National Youth Achievers’ Award..

November 1st is African Youth Day. Every year the National Youth Authority celebrates this event with the Night of National Youth Achievers’ Award and in 2014 Child Support was nominated. The nomination means a huge recognition of the Upper West Community of the work that we do for children and specially for vulnerable girls in our region.

Many celebrities were nominated and received the prices. When the presenter called Child Support, Mama Jane and Rukaya Kamaldeen (17), one of our older girls, came to the stage and got the “World Cup” as our children called the golden Cup. There was also a citation and as a matter of appreciation, we offered the Director of the Wa National Youth Authority Mr. Sulemana Mumuni a copy of the music CD of Child Support.

At midnight we returned home, tired, a little bit deaf due to the loud jingles and music, but very proud!

We dedicate this Special Award to all supporters of Child Support all over the world for their contribution in a better future for our girls!

The citation…