Update September 2014..

The children came back from holidays in their villages. Everybody was able to celebrate the end of the Ramadan in their communities and helped farming. Now they prepare to go back to school. A new girl joined our family. Her name is Cecilia (Ama) Takyere and she is 10 years old. She will attend Class 1 of Tendamba Primary School.

During the Holidays unfortunately the father of Fati died. We attended the funeral with a delegation of children and staff.

We also went for some excursions. Our special reporter reports:

Rukaya Kamaldeen is one our children. She is 17 years old and attends Tendamba Junior High School in class 2. She is one of our best students.

She wrote the following stories for us about our excursions.


“…It was one beautiful day that we paid a visit to the Wa Central Mosque, which was on the 3rd of September 2014. We went there with 40 children and when we arrived at the mosque, a man told us everything about the mosque and helped us to go round the mosque. We even climbed the tower but some of the girls were afraid… We could ask him a lot of questions and for us it was a great excursion.


We also paid a visit to the Wa Naa Palace, which was on the 5th of September 2014. All our children went to this excursion. When we entered the Palace, the Wa Naa was there, the elders and even the Queen Mother. We organized this excursion to see the beautification of the Palace and also to know more about the Chief, his family and the culture and the tradition of the Chieftaincy. We asked a lot of questions and the elders were able to provide us the answers and they also asked us questions. We had to introduce ourselves and they asked us questions about our education, families and villages of origin. It was a wonderful experience to meet the Chief Wa Naa Fuseini Seidu Pelpuo III himself. He expressed his great gratitude for the work of Child Support and promised to support our children where ever possible!

For me, it was the best excursion I ever witnessed.” 

I also came back from a successful visit to Holland, my home country. I met my children, grandchildren, family and friends. I had a good meeting with the Board members of Child Support Holland and had a safe journey home. Our Volunteer Claudia Männle from Germany is helping us teaching the children and gives flute classes.