
Het afgelopen weekend zijn onze Moslim kinderen op bezoek geweest bij hun families in de dorpen om het Eid-Ul-Adha feest (offerfeest) te vieren. Ook in Wa werd dit feest uitbundig gevierd. Onderstaand een verslag uit de krant de Daily Graphic over de festiviteiten.

Eid-ul-Adha observed in regions

Muslims throughout the country marked the Eid-ul-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) with prayers and sacrifice of animals last Saturday.

Dressed in their beautiful apparel, the Muslims, young and old, converged on prayer grounds in the morning to observe two unit prayers to thank Allah for His protection and blessing.

After the prayers, Muslims who had the means slaughtered animals — sheep, goats and cows — as their sacrifice for the occasion.

Eid-ul-Adha is a Muslim celebration that honours the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to obey Allah and also commemorates the end of the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).


From Wa in the Upper West Region, Emmanuel Modey reports that the celebration at the Wa Jubilee Park was led by the Upper West Regional Chief Imam, Dr. Sulemani Bakari, and the Wa Municipal Chief Executive, Mr. Issahaku Nuhu- Putiaha. 

Dr. Bakari called on the adherents to pray hard to Allah to intercede, since most of the problems confronting the nation were spiritual. 

He named some of the challenges as the gruesome murder of citizens for ritual purposes, abduction of children, bribery and corruption, and armed robbery, which are occurring with uncontrollable regularity throughout the country.

The Chief Imam prayed for peace, stability, prosperity, good health and understanding for the entire leaders and people of the nation.

The Upper West Regional Minister, Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemana, commended them for having undergone the month-long fasting and asked them to be guided by the two pillars of the festival, which are charity and forbearance. 

He expressed regrets that 11 cases of cholera had been recorded in the Wa Municipality with one death last Friday. 

He asked them to maintain serious cleanliness and personal hygiene to ensure that the disease did not spread further.